SONY A7IV Review: A Year of Video BUT The Honeymoon Is Over!
YOUTUBE THUMBNAIL FOR THE 1 YEAR REVIEW OF THE SONY A7IV So I never got my favorite mirrorless camera, or my 1st time with a mirroless...

2019 Budget Shopping Guide for Photographers + Vloggers
Budget Gifts for the Beginner Photographer and Vlogger!

The Happenings August 2019...
Link here for more August 2019 Post... https://yeagershots.wixsite.com/yeagershots/single-post/2019/08/03/New-This-Month We went to...

Products Get the Model Treatment.
It's the least talked about form of photos we do at yeagershots.com or photo17.com Yet probably the most social media liked and hearted. ...

A Decade Of Pictures On The Radio.
Exhausted editing, a common mode for editors to be in unfortunately, but at least I can take breaks when needed. That wasn't really the...