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Doom The Dark Ages Specs Might Slay Your PC!

We May Rip'nTear out a few parts...


Partially transcribed from the YouTube Video Below.

Doom the Dark Ages PC requirements are heck. got me wondering if me and some other PC gamers are going to have to rip and tear out components from their rigs and do some updating. Indiana Jones and its system requirements actually list the Ryzen 3600 as a minimum, minimum CPU to play Indiana Jones.

 When it came to the GPU requirements, a 2060 Super, the one with 8 gigs of revamp, very much was a requirement in they. Machine games definitely stuck to the revamp requirement on the GPU side, making ray tracing mandatory.

And here we are again with Doom the Dark Ages, all but doing the same thing that machine games did, making 8 gigs of revamp mandatory. But now this time the Ryzen 3700S or better is the starting point, the minimum CPU to have to be able to run Doom the Dark Ages. thing I noticed about this chart is the game is saying you need an NVMe flash drive. The ones that just click right into the motherboard on the computer. So does that mean that these Zeta drives are just not gonna get it done So, it's the N9 for what is a surefire first ballot hall of fame in the CPU hall of fame the Ryzen 3600x of the most popular CPUs ever released. Well, if you look over on the Intel Arc GPU side, they aren't terribly backwards compatible with even 5000 series AMD CPUs. So... if it runs there, theory should be it should run on a computer.

 I'm not sure which later CPUs in the Intel side are on fire, overheating, just over-volting. But I know for your last gasp, before you finally put your AM4 system out in the pasture,

You've got... options with the Ryzen 5900S and the Ryzen 5950 not pictured as well as the newer Ryzen 5900XT. Actually, I do think those high-end 5000 series CPUs should be good to go for a little while longer. Now that advice is only for people on AM4, saving some cash, not fully upgrade engines yet. If you're buying brand new, if you're building brand new, AM5 is the way to go with the 7000 or 9000 series CPUs. And it just simply isn't as simple as saying, take that cash for an AM4 CPU and put it on an AM5 because that's essentially a new build. with Doom the Dark Ages?


Where's my Glory Kills at, man?

The bottom of the trailer reads, in-game footage. So hopefully this shot right here is in-game combat my canned Glory Kills are still present that I've enjoyed watching for the 1 trillion times I've seen them out of the previous two Doom games.

  Honestly, my history of Doom is so weird. I played the first one on a computer in elementary school and that's probably not happening now unless somebody's streaming or using game pass in elementary school to play Doom to Dark Ages.

The third one was the first one that I bought and that's the one we do not speak of. Doom 2016 I didn't even finish the first time I was playing it. I came back and finished it before playing Doom Eternal in like 2020. So I thought 2016 was eye to man. And next thing you know, Doom Eternal is my second favorite video game behind Half-Life Alex. If you made it this far watching, thank you so much. You are a real shot caller. 



-YouTuber, PC/DOOM Enthusiast



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